PARAL·LEL – project proposal by Author Lídia Carbonell
Magnitude and transcendence of a planning work lies in improving the city for the benefit of citizens, who in everyday traffic become the owner of the space.
Paral·lel is a photographic project that comes in the future related works in the public space of the Avda. Paral·lel with the aim of making visible the public processes that occur in an urban transformation project of this magnitude.
The relationship between photography and history of conditioning was mutual, because the images, setting the perceptions and opinions, also affect the historical process.
From the visual context, the social and urban melt in a single glance, to build photographic scenarios in Avda . Paral·lel is a way to recreate the beating constantly moving a feature of paral·lel diversity are their Pedestrians, however, it is a large artery that connects influx of traffic flowing from sea going to mountain on these you find two natural scenarios, the day and night. The history of Barcelona, explained by symbolic Paral·lel, a leader in the “Barcelona model .
The “Barcelona model” is a term that summarizes all institutional policies carried out by all sectors of the City Council. It has been turned into a brand that represents the city and its way of working. It is a concept that has been associated with all the changes that the city has experienced since the arrival of democracy. Urbanism, public space insfraestructures, architecture, culture, politics, economics, sociology. Institutions from all disciplines to help set the ” Barcelona model “.